As an alternative to the major, students can also pursue a minor in AFST. In this case, study of the diaspora of African-derived peoples and cultures is rooted in the mastery of a particular discipline and relevant course work that is cross-cultural and interdisciplinary. In the context of Carleton’s commitment to liberal arts education, the program provides a forum for addressing topics such as cultural and artistic creativity, construction of self, marginality, responses to exclusion, and the conjunction of issues related to gender, class, race, and ethnicity.
The Africana Studies minor is designed to complement a student’s disciplinary major through an interdisciplinary specialization on the contexts and experiences of Africans and their many diasporas.
Fostering interdisciplinary critical thinking, the Africana Studies minor prepares students for lifetime engagement in scholarship as well as in fields such as law, public policy, education, public health, social work, and the arts. Toward this end, and in addition to coursework, students are encouraged to take advantage of the rich array of speakers, exhibits, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities related to Africans and their diasporas.
Learn more about the requirements, or keep track of your progress (and get your plan approved) via the AFST minor-tracking form.