Term, Semester, and Academic Year Programs

We encourage all of our students to do some form of study abroad. There are excellent programs available in both Italy and Greece, as well as archaeological digs around the Mediterranean. The ideal time to be away from Carleton is during the Fall Term of the junior year, so students should plan early and confer closely with the department chair when looking at their options.

Our students have most commonly studied in Rome with the ICCS Program run by Duke University, and in Greece with the Arcadia Center for Education Abroad. There are other options, though, some of which are listed below, and some of which have brochures filed in the Classics Department Lounge.

Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome

Arcadia Center for Education Abroad (Arcadia in Greece)

College Year in Athens (one semester programs available)

International Studies Abroad Rome

Summer Programs

While Carleton does not ordinarily grant degree credit for work done elsewhere over the summer, students can advance their placement in the languages with summer study as well as enriching their knowledge of the ancient world. A comprehensive list of summer program is available, courtesy of the Classical Studies Department of Wesleyan University, with help from the J.M.W. Keck Foundation.