- Reserve vehicles through Fleet Services during regular College business hours, giving the date and time needed, type of vehicle required, departmental charge number, destination, and the driver’s name. Any Carleton faculty or staff person may make reservations. Students or student groups wanting to make a reservation, will be required to obtain either a written authorization from the department that oversees their organization or have a representative from the overseeing department telephone Fleet Services to make the reservation for them. Reservations should be made at least 24 hours before use. Sometimes reservations are made several weeks in advance. Since plans may change, making it necessary to alter or cancel arrangements, please adjust your vehicle reservations accordingly. Fleet Services is located in the Campus Services Office (Sayles-Hill 5, x4443).
- When there are no College vehicles available, you may choose to use your own personal vehicle(s) or make your own arrangements with an outside rental agency. See the Personal Vehicle section of the Campus Handbook’s Travel & Transportation Policies for important information regarding these options.
- All students participating in off-campus events sponsored by either the College or the Carleton Student Association (CSA) are asked to complete a Release & Waiver Form prior to departure. Keys to College vehicles will not be issued until the proper forms have been filed with the sponsoring department. Waiver forms and more information are available through the Student Activities Office.
- Trip itineraries should be filed with the sponsoring department or with the office that advises or oversees the activities of a specific group for trips that involve traveling farther than 100 miles one-way, or involve a duration of more than 8 hours. A campus contact person (faculty or staff) who can assist with emergency response must be named and will maintain the itinerary and waiver forms/rosters for the respective groups.
- Vehicle keys are available in the Campus Services Office and must be picked up during regular business hours Monday through Friday. Drivers should plan accordingly for early morning, late evening, and weekend trips. You may pick up the keys ahead of time, but you may not use the car until the time for which it has been reserved. Student drivers are required to pick up keys for the trips they are participating in. Prior to releasing keys, driver licenses will be checked for validity and cross checked against the Authorized Student Driver list by Campus Services staff.
- When keys are picked up you will be given a Reservation Form. You should use this form to report any problems with the vehicle. The Reservation form should be turned in with the vehicle keys and not left in the vehicle. For those mechanical problems or safety concerns that should be addressed prior to continued use of the vehicle, drivers should contact Fleet Services to report the problem immediately.
- Before you leave:
- Conduct a walk-around vehicle inspection.
- Note any damage etc. on the reservation report form
- Clear frost or snow from windows.
- The driver and ALL passengers must use their seat belts. This is a Minnesota state law.
- Check the gas gauge; if necessary, fill the gas tank using the Fleet credit card. You must use a service station that features “Pay at the Pump” service. Select the fuel type that is appropriate for the vehicle (either regular unleaded or E-85). If there is any question about which fuel type to use, choose regular unleaded gasoline. The Fleet credit card can only be used for fuel, so you must pay for any other items with alternative funds.
- Before returning:
- Check the gas tank.
- If the gas tank is less than half-full, fill it. As a courtesy to other users you should routinely fill the gas tank regardless of the gasoline level;
- Return vehicles on schedule. If a conflict arises and you discover you will be delayed, contact Fleet Services immediately so alternative arrangements can be made for the next user.
- When you return the vehicle:
- Park in the College Fleet Vehicle area located in the Stadium Parking Lot (just south of the football field).
- Record any problems or concerns with the vehicle on the reservation form.
- Check the car carefully, remove all litter and excessive debris, close windows and lock the doors.
- Conduct a walk-around vehicle inspection. Report any damage on the reservation form.
- Return the keys, gas credit card and reservation form immediately either to the Campus Services Office or the after hours key drop box located inside the Sayles Hill front entrance;
- Report any damage, malfunction, or accident to Fleet Services immediately upon your return to campus.