• NEUR 127: Foundations in Neuroscience and Lab

    This course is an introduction to basic neural function. Topics include neural transmission, development of the nervous system, anatomy, sensory systems, learning and the corresponding change in the brain, and the role of the nervous system in behavior. Team-based learning will be used to understand the experiments that shape current knowledge. 6 credits; LS, Science with Lab, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025 · Sarah Meerts, Joel Tripp
  • NEUR 238: Neurons, Circuits and Behavior

    Neurons are the building blocks of the nervous system. Molecular and cellular neuroscience seeks to understand the fundamental principles that govern how neurons function, how they communicate with each other, and how they assemble into circuits that generate behavior. This course focuses on the molecular and cellular basis of nervous system function from the level of genes and molecules to neural circuits and behavior. We will take an integrative approach to examine the genetic, molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie neuronal communication, the molecular basis of sensation and innate behaviors, neural plasticity, and nervous system disorders. This course will emphasize the experimental evidence and techniques that have built our understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of behavior through team-based learning, analysis of primary literature papers and laboratory experimentation. A grade of C- or better must be earned in both Neuroscience 238 and 239 to satisfy the LS requirement. Prerequisites:

    Student must have completed and of the following course(s): NEUR 127 – Foundations Neuroscience and Lab or BIOL 125 – Genes Evolution and Development with grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 on the Biology AP exam or received a score of 6 or better on the Biology IB exam or equivalent.

    6 credits; LS, Science with Lab, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; offered Spring 2025 · Joel Tripp
  • NEUR 239: Neurons, Circuits and Behavior Lab

    This laboratory course will provide experience in performing experiments to elucidate the structure and function of neurons and neural circuits using classical and cutting-edge techniques. Students will apply these techniques to develop and carry out an independent research project. 2 credits; No Exploration; offered Spring 2025 · Joel Tripp
  • NEUR 294: Directed Research in Neuroscience

    Students work on a research project related to a faculty member's research interests, and directed by that faculty member. Student activities vary according to the field and stage of the project. The long-run goal of these projects normally includes dissemination to a scholarly community beyond Carleton. The faculty member will meet regularly with the student and actively direct the work of the student, who will submit an end-of-term product, typically a paper or presentation.

    1 – 6 credits; No Exploration; not offered 2024–2025
  • NEUR 394: Directed Research in Neuroscience

    Students work on a research project related to a faculty member's research interests, and directed by that faculty member. Student activities vary according to the field and stage of the project. The long-run goal of these projects normally includes dissemination to a scholarly community beyond Carleton. The faculty member will meet regularly with the student and actively direct the work of the student, who will submit an end-of-term product, typically a paper or presentation.

    1 – 6 credits; S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Fall 2024 · Joel Tripp
  • NEUR 395: Neuroscience Capstone Seminar

    This capstone seminar will cover current approaches and techniques in the field of neuroscience. Guest speakers in neuroscience and related areas will present their research. Prerequisites:

    Student has completed any of the following course(s): BIOL 125 – Genes, Evolution & Development and Lab with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 5 on the Biology AP exam or received a score 6 or better on the Biology IB exam AND NEUR 127 – Foundations in Neuroscience AND NEUR 238 – Neurons, Circuits and Behavior AND NEUR 239 – Neurons, Circuits & Behavior Lab with grade of C- or better.

    3 credits; S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Spring 2025 · Sarah Meerts