What are Schillers?

In addition to giving you access to buildings and services, the OneCard can also act as a purchase card for some campus transactions with Schillers. Schillers are the OneCard’s unit of currency. One U.S. dollar equals one Schiller. You can pre-purchase Schillers to spend at authorized campus locations at Carleton College, St. Olaf College, and at several local merchants.

Spend Schillers at Carleton and St. Olaf:

Add Schillers two ways:

  • Online 24 hours a day
  • In Person at the Bookstore or Business Office during business hours
    • You must present your OneCard.
    • $5.00 minimum — cash or check only.

Account Details

Schillers are an optional prepaid account associated with the Carleton OneCard. Initial purchase of Schillers activates account and signifies agreement to the terms of use as outlined here:

Schillers Refunds

Refund requests are accepted when the cardholder graduates, withdraws, or leaves the college. Refund checks are processed when:

  1. The account balance is $20.00 or more, AND…
  2. There are no outstanding student charges with the Business Office, AND…
  3. A written request is submitted to Campus Services

Graduating Seniors Refunds

Graduating seniors with a Schillers balance of $20.00 or more will automatically be issued a refund check from the Business Office in July after graduation (minus any outstanding fees due the college).

Vending Machines

Use your OneCard to purchase beverages and snacks from all vending machines.


Please complete the Vending Refund form if you have experienced a vending machine failure on our campus.