Data for public use
Re-use is welcome. Please cite the papers listed below
Resources to accompany “Making Long-Distance Relationships Work: Quantifying Lexical Competition with Hidden Markov Models.” Journal of Memory and Language (with David Liben-Nowell)
- Consonant confusion matrix
- Vowel confusion matrix
- Sample lexicon
- Code for generating HMM values
- HMM values for all English CVCs
Code repository for collecting spoken word recognition data using the Amazon Mechanical Turk platform
- Experiment 1, Experiment 2
- For more information, see: Slote, J., & Strand, J. (2015). Conducting spoken word recognition research online: Validation and a new timing method. Behavior Research Methods. doi 10.3758/s13428-015-0599-7.
Phi-square lexical competition database (Phi-lex): An on-line tool for quantifying auditory and visual lexical competition
- This database contains multiple metrics for quantifying the process of lexical competition during auditory and visual (lipread) spoken word recognition.
- For more information, see Strand, J. (2013). Phi-square Lexical Competition Database (Phi-Lex): An online tool for quantifying auditory and visual lexical competition. Behavior Research Methods.
Auditory, visual, and audiovisual phoneme confusion matrices
- This spreadsheet contains data for phoneme confusions in auditory-alone, visual-alone, and audiovisual conditions.
- For more information, see Strand, J., & Sommers, M. (2011). Sizing up the competition: Quantifying the influence of the mental lexicon on spoken word identification. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(3), 1663-1672.
How to calculate phi-square values for phoneme pairs
- This spreadsheet contains step by step procedures to calculate phi-square values (which quantify the perceptual similarity of phoneme pairs).
- For more information, see Feld, J., & Sommers, M. (2011). There goes the neighborhood: Lipreading and the mental lexicon. Speech Communication, 53, 220-228.