Revised April 2019. The new SAC bylaws will be voted on on May 22, 2019.

Article I-Name-Fiscal Year-Definitions

Section 1: The name of the organization shall be known as Staff At Carleton (hereinafter referred to as SAC).

Section 2: The use of SAC’s name must be approved by the SAC Board of Representatives.

Section 3: SAC shall be governed by these bylaws with the fiscal year being July 1 through June 30.

Section 4: Definition of terms used throughout these bylaws:

SAC Membership – All permanent, full and part-time, non-union, non-exempt staff employed by Carleton (hereinafter referred to as the Membership).

SAC Board – Two Co-chairs, Secretary, Representative to the College Council, geographical Representatives and Alternates, one faculty appointee, and one administrative staff appointee (hereinafter referred to as the Board).

Executive Committee – Two Co-chairs, Secretary, Representative to College Council and two Representatives elected by the Board.

Officers – Consists of the two Co-chairs, Secretary, and Representative to the College Council.

Article II-Purpose-Objectives

Section 1: The purpose of SAC shall be to serve as a means of communication for the Membership with the administration, exempt staff, faculty, and union staff of the College and to promote a sense of unity within the Membership.

Section 2: The objectives of SAC shall be to:

  • Provide professional growth opportunities,
  • Promote recognition of staff,
  • Collect and disseminate suggestions, concerns, and questions related to the personnel policies of the College,
  • Improve communication between the Membership, the administration, the exempt staff, faculty, and union staff and to investigate and respond to issues presented,
  • Serve as a liaison for campus-based groups and committees,
  • Stay informed of issues and trends locally and nationally relating to the Membership.

Article III-Membership

Section 1: Membership shall include all permanent, full and part-time, non-union, non-exempt staff employed by Carleton College.

Section 2: All members shall be eligible to serve on subcommittees and may hold office in accordance with Article VIII.

Section 3: All members are eligible to vote: in elections for representatives and officers, on proposed amendments to the bylaws and to vote on issues presented by the Board to the Membership at large.

Article IV-Officers

Section 1: Leadership will be provided by two Co-chairs, Secretary, and Representative to the College Council and will serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms. These officers shall conduct the business of SAC in accordance with the governing documents and the parliamentary authority adopted by SAC in accordance with Article X. The Co-chairs will have joint and equal responsibility for leadership functions and will preside, together or separately, at all meetings of the Membership.

Section 2: All officers shall be elected according to Article VIII.

Section 3: The term of office of the Co-chairs shall be two years, staggered to provide continuity. One Co-chair is elected each spring for a term beginning July 1st.  The Co-chairs will:

  • Have joint and equal responsibility for leadership functions,
  • Will preside, together or separately, at all meetings of the Board or of the Membership,
  • Retain the same rights as other Board members to discuss and vote on questions, and
  • In cases of voting ties, the “second term” Co-chair will abstain from voting.

Section 4: The term of office of the Secretary shall be one (1) year and the term of office of the Representative to the College Council shall be two (2) years.

Section 5: An officer elected or appointed to a one-year term shall be deemed to have served one (1) year if that officer has served for a period of (12) twelve consecutive months in that position.

Section 6: An officer who has served less than one (1) term in any office shall still be eligible for two (2) full terms.

Section 7: In the event an officer cannot fulfill his/her term, the Board, at its discretion, may elect a replacement or establish a nomination and election procedure. In the case of a vacancy in the office of Co-chair, the remaining Co-chair may assume sole leadership to complete the term.

Article V-Board of Representatives

Section 1: The SAC Board of Representatives (the Board) shall consist of the two Co-chairs, Secretary, Representative to the College Council, geographical Representatives and Alternates, one Faculty Appointee, and one Administrative Staff Appointee.

Section 2: One Representative and one Alternate shall be elected for each geographic area.  Representatives shall be elected from the following four (4) geographic areas:

  • North
  • South
  • East
  • West

Section 2.1: As needed or annually, the SAC Elections Committee will adjust the building composition of the geographic areas to balance the number of SAC members in each.  These changes require approval by a vote of the Board.  The SAC website will reflect the current geographic breakdown.

Section 3: The Board shall be elected in the manner provided in Article VIII of the Bylaws.

Section 4: Representatives and Alternates elected or appointed to a one-year term shall be deemed to have served one (1) term if that representative or alternate has served for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months in office.

Section 5: Representatives shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms of office.

Section 6: With the approval of the Board, the Co-chairs may appoint others to the Board in support or advisory capacities. These appointees shall have no voting privileges.

Section 7: One faculty member and one member of the administrative staff shall serve on the Board. Based upon the Board’s recommendations, these positions will be appointed by the Chair of the FAC (Faculty Affairs Committee) and the President of the College respectively to serve a one-year term of office. There shall be no limit to the number of terms the appointees can serve in this capacity. The appointees shall have no voting privileges.

Section 8: It is recommended that each committee be chaired by an elected member of the Board.

Section 9: The Board shall perform the duties described in these bylaws and shall conduct the affairs of SAC.

Section 10: The Board shall meet at least once a month or when necessary. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the Membership.

Section 11: At meetings of the Board, at least two-thirds of the elected officers and representatives shall constitute a quorum.

Section 12: Alternates shall have no voting privileges except in the absence of elected Representatives.

Section 13: In the event of the incapacity of any Representative, the elected Alternate shall assume the duties of the Representative. Ballots will then be consulted to determine the person receiving the next highest number of votes and that person will assume the alternate’s responsibilities.

Article VI-Executive Committee

Section 1: An Executive Committee composed of the two Co-chairs, Secretary, Representative to the College Council and two representatives elected by the Board of Representatives shall have and exercise the authority of the Board in the management of SAC during periods between meetings of the Board.

Section 2: The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the Co-Chairs and shall submit a report to the Board of any action taken at the next full Board meeting.

Section 3: At meetings of the Executive Committee a majority of that committee shall constitute a quorum.

Article VII-Meetings of the General Membership

Section 1: At least one annual business meeting of the Membership shall be held at a time and place determined by the Board and the Membership shall be notified at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

Section 2: SAC may hold special meetings and conferences at a time and place determined by the Board.

Section 3: It is recommended that notices of all monthly meetings shall be made to each member at least one (1) week prior to the date for such events.

Section 4: At annual business meetings of SAC, fifty (50) members shall constitute a quorum for voting. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall count those present and declare a quorum.

Section 5: All materials to be disseminated at meetings of SAC must be approved by the Board or the Executive Committee.

Article VIII-Rules of Election

Section 1: The Nominations and Elections Committee shall make a strong attempt to seek a slate of two or more nominees for each position vacant among officers, representatives and alternates.

Section 2: Candidates for any office must be nominated in writing. No candidate may be placed on the ballot without the candidate’s consent; the Nominations and Elections Committee shall seek such consent.

Section 3: Candidates for the office of Co-chair, Secretary and Representative to the College Council must have served previously as an elected representative and must have a minimum of one (1) year’s experience on the Board.

Section 4: Candidates for representative shall have been employed by Carleton for at least six (6) months immediately prior to the date of election.

Section 5: Candidates for the office of representative and alternate must work within the geographical area for which they are a candidate.

Section 6: Elections for officers, representatives and alternates will be conducted by ballot during Spring Term.

Section 7: Candidates elected, by receiving the highest number of votes, as officers, representatives, and alternates, shall be notified of the results of the election by June 1st.

Section 8: A candidate elected to more than one position shall automatically serve in the highest position to which he/she was elected. (The order of progression being Co-chair, Representative to the College Council, Secretary, Representative, Alternate.)

Section 9: In case of a tie, a runoff election among the tying candidates shall be held. A candidate may withdraw his/her name from the runoff ballot. If only one person remains on the ballot, that person shall be declared elected.

Section 10: Ballots shall be retained by the chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee for a period of one (1) year from the date of publication of the results of the election.

Section 11: No member may hold more than one (1) elected office at a time.

Section 12: Officers, Representatives and Alternates shall assume their duties on the first day of July following their election. They shall be introduced at the first meeting of the general Membership of SAC following their election.

Article IX-Committees and Appointments

Section 1: It is recommended that Committees and Appointments be:

  • Bylaws Review (as necessary)
  • Nominations and Elections
  • Staff Development
  • Web Coordinator
  • Special Projects

Section 2: The Board may authorize special committees.

Section 3: Guidelines, duties, and responsibilities for each standing and each special committee shall be specified by the Board.

Section 4: The Co-chairs may serve as ex-officio members of all standing and special committees except the Nominations and Elections Committee.

Section 5: SAC members are elected to represent SAC on the following college committees and could serve up to 2 consecutive terms:

  • College Benefit Committee (3 year term)
  • College Budget Committee (2 year term)
  • Community, Equity and Diversity Initiative Leadership Board (CEDI) (2 year term)
  • Campus Design Advisory (2 year term)
  • College Council (2 year term)
  • Security Services Advisory Committee (2 year term – 1 year term & 2 year term for 2019-20 only to create staggering terms)

Section 5.1: Representatives elected to college-level committees shall assume their duties on a date designated by the specific committee. 

Article X-Parliamentary Authority

Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall govern the conduct of all meetings of SAC, the Board, the Executive Committee, and all committees.  A current copy is available through the Gould Library.

Article XI-Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to the Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the Bylaws Committee Chair. A report on proposed amendments shall be presented to the Board of Representatives for information prior to presentation to the Membership for vote.

Section 2: Proposals of the Bylaws Committee shall be provided to the Membership no later than ten (10) days prior to scheduled voting.

Section 3: Voting on amendments to the Bylaws shall be by ballot.

Section 4: A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the cast ballots in favor of proposed amendments shall be required for adoption.

Section 5: Ballots from any bylaws referendum shall be retained by the Chair of the Bylaws Committee for one (1) year from the date of certification of results of the referendum.