
SAC Committees

  • Executive Committee: SAC Co-Chairs, SAC Secretary, Representative to College Council, Linda Mueller, and Linda Dorn
  • Nominations and Elections: Sara Nielsen
  • Special Events: Allie Lyman and Nora Peterson
    • Encourages and facilitates an inclusive and active community of Carleton’s professional staff by organizing and hosting events, allowing staff to expand their relationships with each other. Develops a yearly calendar of events and assists with planning, advertising and organizing these events, including set-up, food, registration, answering questions. Continues to improve upon SAC’s special events, and develop new ways to attract members to events. Committee meets approximately 8-10 times per year for an hour or less. Each committee member is asked to help organize at least one event per year.
  • Staff Development: open position
    • Develops training and information sessions to keep biweekly staff informed about issues that affect their work, to provide overviews of certain College programs, or to present current topics of interest. The sessions may be held during SAC meetings, as a separate session, or over the lunch hour. This is an opportunity to share/present information and provide for SAC member networking. Notification of scheduled sessions is published in the Carleton Weekly and by e-mail.
  • Web Coordinators: Amy Gragg
    • Oversee the structure of and administrative access to the SAC website, in consultation with SAC Board. Communicate with ITS as needed. Maintain on-line lists of officers, committees, representatives, Bylaws, etc. Assist officers and committees with addition of information, events, and photos to the website. No regular meetings; duties require 30-60 minutes per month.

Representatives to College Committees

  • College Council: Sara Nielsen
    • The mission of the Council is the development of policies in areas having to do with matters other than educational policy or curriculum. Full description
  • Benefits Committee: Brenda Hellen
    • The College Benefits Committee is charged with monitoring benefits to all non-union employees of Carleton. Full description
  • Budget Committee: Linda Irrthum (effective April 1, 2019) – Due to the specific timeline of the annual budget planning cycle the Budget Committee term begins on the first day of Spring term and concludes at the end of the second Winter term.
    • The Budget Committee advises the Vice President and Treasurer in the construction of the annual budget and in the development of a longer-term financial plan. Biweekly meetings during academic year (90 minutes each). Full description
  • Campus Design Advisory Committee: Beth Vivant
    • The committee is to advise, through College Council, the President and the senior staff on principles and long-range perspectives regarding broad campus design and physical plant issues. Meets 3-5 times per year (90 minutes each); usually once per term and once in summer. Full description
  • Community, Equity and Diversity Initiative (CEDI): Jen McMurray
    • CEDI’s mission is to improve campus community and promote equity and diversity on campus. Full description
  • Security Services Advisory Group: Corey Pulju and Sara Nielsen
    • The Security Services Advisory Group (SSAG) provides insight into Security Services’ practices and presence on campus. The group serves a role in Security Services’ strategy to Connect – Engage – Develop. Full description
  • Bookstore Committee: Beth Vivant
    • The Bookstore Committee exists to inform campus on what is going on within the Bookstore as well as receive suggestions and feedback.

Faculty Representative to SAC

Administrative Representative to SAC