The campus is divided into four geographic areas. One representative and one alternate represent each area.
- Representative: Brenda Hellen
- Alternate: Elizabeth Black
- Group e-mail:
- Buildings represented: ARB Office | Center for Math & Computing (CMC) | Gould Library | Leighton Hall | Recreation Center | West Gym
- Representative: Tami Little
- Alternate: Dee Menning
- Group e-mail:
- Buildings represented: Anderson Hall | Bird House | Boliou Hall | Cowling Hall | Goodsell Observatory | Hoppin House | Hulings Hall | Laird Hall | Language & Dining Center (LDC) | Music Hall | Olin Hall | Skinner Memorial Chapel
- Representative: Linda Mueller
- Alternate: Looking for volunteer
- Group e-mail:
- Buildings represented: 200 Division | Clader House | Dash House | Dacie Moses House | Henry House | Johnson House | Nutting House | Scoville Hall | Strong House | Trio/SSS | Weitz Center
- Representative: Sara Nielsen
- Alternative: Paula Teiken
- Group e-mail:
- Buildings represented: Davis Hall | Facilities | Laird Stadium | Musser Hall | Sayles-Hill Campus Center | Severance Hall | Willis Hall
Buildings and Geographic Areas represented by SAC members
Building | SAC Geographic Area/E-mail Group |
200 Division | South |
Anderson Hall | East |
Arb Office | North |
Bird House | East |
Boliou Hall | East |
Center for Math & Computing (CMC) | North |
Clader House | South |
Cowling Hall | East |
Dash House | South |
Dacie Moses House | South |
Davis Hall | West |
Facilities Building | West |
Goodsell Observatory | East |
Gould Library | North |
Henry House | South |
Hoppin House | East |
Hulings Hall | East |
Johnson House | South |
Laird Hall | East |
Laird Stadium | West |
Language & Dining Center (LDC) | East |
Leighton Hall | North |
Music Hall | East |
Musser Hall | West |
Nutting House | South |
Olin Hall | East |
Recreation Center | North |
Sayles-Hill Campus Center | West |
Scoville Hall | South |
Severance Hall | West |
Skinner Memorial Chapel | East |
Strong House | South |
TRIO/SSS | South |
Weitz Center for Creativity | South |
West Gym | North |
Willis Hall | West |